Saturday 11 July 2015

Charcoal sketching of another tree trunk

In my last post I mentioned about having come across some beautiful trees and tree trunks
in Lonavala. After having created one tree trunk sketching, I decided to do another one. This
particular tree as in the image below caught my eye because of the deep hollow midway and the texture of the bark.

It is interesting to observe the different features that each tree has on its body and it gets more
interesting when the pencil movement has to be changed in order to get the texture forms.
The more I draw and sketch, the more I observe trees as I am travelling and I realise that today
I see more details in trees than just a simple standing form in nature. 

To me art is a lot about observational skills. We observe, we understand and then we put it down on paper. Creating something from nothing.

The handmade paper that I have used for this work is from Sun Enterprises in Fort as 
mentioned in my last post.

Original charcoal and white pastel sketching on grey handmade paper by Manju Panchal

Standing Alone
Charcoal and white pastel sketching on grey handmade paper
Size 6" x 8"

I have personally liked this handmade paper and would recommend it to all those who use charcoals and pastels. It has a smooth side too but I have not used it so far but will try it out soon. I have started a portrait, a beautiful Indian face on the same paper and would be posting the image soon.

You can also view my works on Fine Art America and if you love Ethnic Home Decor products
visit my BLOG to browse through my designer NAMEPLATES.

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