Sunday, 1 March 2015

Making small corrections in old art works before framing

Soft pastel paintings have an advantage. If one needs to make changes at a later stage, it is a fairly simple procedure. One can lift out the pastels from the required space using kneaded eraser or putty and add another layer of colour there.

Now that I am in the process of framing my artworks, I realised that some works needed a little touch up. For example if i did a painting some months back then in the next few months I have more added knowledge now and I can see lot of places where I can add colours to increase the depth or intensify the colour of leaves etc. It is like I am getting to reevaluate my work. So basically apart from framing, I am also spending time doing little corrections.

Given below are two of my works where I made a few corrections. ( These works have been posted earlier by me. Since they were not framed I had placed them in a folder with a glassine sheet on top of it for protection )

Corrections made on a soft pastel painting of tree roots by Manju Panchal

In this particular work, which was done using a photograph taken from a lower

Corrections made on a soft pastel painting of tree  by Manju Panchal

In this particular painting, the foreground did not have any warmth. The tree trunk had blended with the foliage on the left side and the light falling had to be captured on the foliage. So I intensified the colours behind the tree, then added soft light green colours on leaves which were exposed to the sunlight falling on them. I also added blue green coloured leaves behind the tree trunk as it is in shadow region. After having made a few more changes, I am now pretty satisfied and will frame this work with off white matt around it.


  1. Beautiful works Manju, enjoyed them all!

  2. Thanks a lot for browsing through my works and appreciating them.
    I have been through your site as well. Very different and unique style.
    Will keep in touch.
